Helping the Helper Support Group

You’re in the right place!

Helping the Helper Support Group

You’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, irritable and just plain burned out. The extra responsibilities keep piling on. Friends, family and significant others are at a loss for how to help you cope. It’s an unprecedented time in the world and you’ve been on the front lines for nearly a year! You need a space where you can talk about how you’re feeling without worrying it’ll affect your job. Meet once a month with other professionals who know what you’re going through and are here to support you. New Spring session starting March 3rd from 7 to 8:30 pm (first Wednesday of every month). Complete the form below and I will reach out to you within 24 hours for a short consult to determine if this group is the right fit for you. The group is $25 per session and will be capped at 6 participants. *Financial hardship scholarships available

RSVP Below for Your Consult