Denver Caregiver Support Counseling

Call (970) 279-3285 to schedule your 15-minute consultation today.

You’re caring for someone you love who you barely recognize anymore. In fact, you barely recognize yourself.

You thought this would be manageable: you’d figure it out and get into a routine and maybe even find some purpose and joy in caring for your loved one. And for a while it was like that, but then it started to change. Your loved one’s physical abilities have decreased as well as their ability to communicate and manage their own emotions.

You’re experiencing caregiver burnout or compassion fatigue. Meanwhile, you’re doing it all: laundry, cleaning, bathing, dressing, shopping, entertaining. You’ve become a walking wikipedia about your loved one’s illness and about caregiving in general, but this job still wants more. It demands more everyday. And you can’t tread water much longer. You’re either over or under-eating, you don’t have time to do the things you enjoy, your relationships are suffering and your whole world has gotten so small.  You’ve given up trying to talk with friends or family about your emotions or thoughts because it either feels like they don’t understand OR because you worry that you’ll bring them down or overburden them. You’re left feeling irritable, angry and distant. Sometimes you feel sad all day and don’t want to go to sleep at night because you have to do it all again tomorrow. 

I can help you by providing new skills and strategies for understanding and coping with your emotions. I can also help you improve communication with the person for whom you’re caring. 

After they work with me, caregivers often have more understanding and acceptance for their own emotions and past behaviors. They also have more understanding for the person for which they are caring and communication is far more calm and effective. They are able to ask for help from others when they need it and take more time to care for themselves regularly. Clients also report feeling more purposeful in their caregiving and more able to regulate emotions before responding or acting on them. 

When your emotions are too overwhelming to manage alone, your relationships, mental and physical health are at risk.

If you aren’t here, you can’t help anyone. Call me at 970-279-3285 or click below to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation today.

I offer 60-min individual counseling sessions at $105 and 80-minute sessions at $140

*adjusted fee appointment slots available to offset financial burden when possible; when unavailable, I will offer referrals to you for other therapists in Denver.

*For caregiver clients unable to leave home for counseling appointments, in-home sessions are available


“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”

–Fred Rogers